Friday, January 24th -- 27
The Australian Dance Artists convened for the first time this year in the Unsworth Studio in Sydney to commence work on the latest project, The Arrangement.
Over the Australia Day long weekend of 4 days, it was amazing how much was done during this time. Ken has commissioned the score from Jonathon Cooper in part to provide a challenge working with new music. In past projects, music has often been chosen by the dance artists to suit the mood of each scene.
Jonathon’s new score provides an astounding variety of musical styles and vocal texts, voiced by The Song Company* ( which definitely provides new music for the dance artists to work within Ken’s scenic structure for each section.
As the founding director of the ensemble, I am always astounded at how quickly the creative ideas flow between the four performers, to the point where they don’t need “A” director. THEY are the choreographers and directors of their own work.
I sit out front in the studio and watch in quiet awe at what’s materializing in front of me on the stage. My occasional comments are not directorial, but dramaturgical, giving feedback as to what is being communicated to an audience sitting out front.
Norman Hall